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Low Voltage Cabling

What's Included?

  • Quality Engineering

    • Our low-voltage cabling installers are certified & licensed for the placement, installation, and mounting of cabinets, racks, cable trays, etc. for all your IT engineering needs.

  • Voice & Data Wiring

    • From voice systems to routing and switches, our certified specialists provide a strategic approach to designing and implementing an efficient wiring solution.


  • Site Survey

    • Whether building a new office from the ground up, relocating to a new facility, or simply making changes to your existing layout, your infrastructure is affected.

  • Network Security
    PROACTIVE 24X7X365

    • Whether building a new office from the ground up, relocating to a new facility, or simply making changes to your existing layout, your infrastructure is affected.

Our Simple Process

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Schedule The Site Survey(s)
We will schedule an onsite technician to give you the best quote for materials and time onsite. Most sites can be completed within 3 days.

Review and Schedule
Our team will review survey notes email over quote(s) within 24 hours.

Dispatch and Verify
We will dispatch our technicians to complete the install and while onsite they will submit a custom job form detailing the technician notes and pictures. Which is sent directly to you to confirm and verify. Once job is complete we will email a full detail report.



Low Voltage Projects Completed

Last Updated: 10/31/2024


No Surprises & Priced According To Your Needs

Our customers love the affordability and flexibility of our service team. Our simple pricing ensures you see a return on your investment.


  • We will maintain BICSI standards

  • Specialized Technical Experts

  • Clean up any loose cables and label all connections

  • On-Demand Project Assistance

  • Successful IT Implementation

  • We'll create detailed site reports so you know exactly what equipment is connected onsite. 

  • We help cut down on service calls by creating a true system that is so "Simple" that even your site contacts can follow.

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Keep Your Sites Clean, Organized
& Ready For Connections
for as little as $174.99/Per Drop

Covers up to 2 hours onsite, 100 ft Cat 6 Cable, Keystone Jacks on both ends.

Standard Plan Pricing is Being Advertised - Plus Taxes

Simple Pricing

With our team you're now ready to provide Simple Support for your clients with a higher quality of service. With our comprehensive plans to meet different business needs.


$174.99/Per Drop - Plus Tax

Parts and Materials 

  • Cat 6 Cable (100 Ft)

  • RJ45 / Keystone Jack (2)

  • Faceplate (1)

Cable Management

  • Clean any loose wires

  • Perform quality checks and replace cables as needed

Update Network Map

  • We will verify that you have the latest network site map and rack map.

  • Verify that all equipment is onsite and report our findings.

Clean and Organized

  • Clean all dust traps from networking equipment to extend the life of your devices.

  • Remove any boxes and unclutter the network room as much as possible.

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